Partner for Sustainable Change
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
Proverbs 19:17
"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give"
- Winston Churchill

Via Credit Card
Various amounts options to choose from.
Also monthly donations.

Via EFT ACCOUNT: The Domino Foundation
BANK: First National Bank - Durban North
REFERENCE: [Name/Company Name + Purpose]

Via Direct Debit Order
Click to download the Domino Foundation Direct Debit Form
Complete the form and specify the programme you would like to support and amount you’d like to contribute, then email to accounts@domino.org.za

Via Zapper
Scan QR code to Pay or Click on the phone image if you’re viewing on your mobile. You can forward your Proof of Payment to accounts@domino.org.za
Via PayPal for $USD donations
For our international supporters or those who like to use PayPal, click the link above, specify the amount you’d like to give and click donate.
Please email Proof of Payment to accounts@domino.org.za

B-BBEE Contributions
The Domino Foundation is optimally positioned to secure B-BBEE points for SED, ED and SKILLS DEVELOPMENT spend and is already helping a number of businesses to meet their B-BBEE objectives, aligned to their sectors/CSI Values as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and National Development Plan. Please email us on admin@domino.org.za if you are needing assistance to get your points/spend.

Community Service / Volunteer Options
At The Domino Foundation we thrive on cultivating a culture of SERVICE.
There are a number of ways to get involved
- contact hello@domino.org.za for more info.
Seeds for Trees | Pack a Relief Bucket | "Matrics for Matrics" camps | "Hungry to Help" Nutrition programme

MySchool Programme
Joining the MySchool Programme is 100% free and so is the support. By simply swiping your MySchool card when you shop at any Woolworths or participating outlet, The Domino Foundation receives funds at NO COST TO YOU!
By leveraging our community-upliftment track record of more than a decade, we have developed specific and individualised solutions for businesses and individuals to actively engage in Social Change.
At The Domino Foundation, we know that donations take many shapes and forms, and depending on your capacity, available resources and spheres of influence that you’re in, your donation could truly mean the life-line for some of our programmes.
For practitioners seeking specific alignment with company CSI policies, or individuals who have a heart for a specific impact area, we have a variety of programmes across the spectrum that satisfy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Investment goals.
We can provide:
– Thank-you letter
– Section 18 A tax receipt
– Documentation: reports, affidavits and records
– Certification: We are certified for SED, ED and SKILLS DEVELOPMENT spend
Currently the #DominoEffect of changed lives changing lives, is continued through a number of donation opportunities.