Preparation for school readiness by equipping ECD owners and their educators with essential education and enterprise development skills.

The pandemic and subsequent national disasters led to many parents losing their jobs/employment, adding further financial constraints on child-education affordability.
School readiness is significantly affected by household income levels. Low-income households are often the most disadvantaged. Long-term implications of poor or non-existent foundation phase education is detrimental to long-term youth employment and enterprise development.
and food security for the children.
What Does God Say We Should Do?
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
Sustainable Development Goals

National Development Plan
This plan envisions a South Africa where everyone feels free yet bounded to others; where everyone embraces their full potential, a country where opportunity is determined not by birth, but by ability, education and hard work.

Development of ECD owners to provide excellent learning experiences
Small Business Development is the Answer
The programme’s core focus is to equip ECD centres’ owners with business skills to run the pre-schools/crèches as successful micro-enterprise businesses. In partnership with the Domino Nutrition Programme, a daily high-protein meal encourages school attendance and improves learners’ mental and physical development.
This in addition to daily active learning routines and child-milestone assessments which track effectiveness of the programme, in addition to strengthening the qualifications of the educators and teaching aides, supports the framework for a classes of champions in days to come!

2023 Reflection
A child’s first five years are fundamental for their cognitive learning, health and behaviour, and to this end the Domino ECD Programme vigorously promotes its twin core values:
1. to support the development of preschools as sustainable small businesses, in order to
2. build capacity into education spaces which provide valuable early-learning experiences to
their learners in pre-schools.
In 2023, a symbiotic relationship with the Grow ECD NPO began. This innovative, digital model equips existing ECD owners with the technology tools to manage their own finances, savings, marketing, fundraising, lesson themes and assessments, as well as policy and procedure forms.
The result was a merger of the Domino Foundation ECD and Nutrition Programmes for greater collective impact where 60 ECDs (up from 16) are able to provide active learning with nutritious meals to their beneficiaries.
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Matric students at Siyabonga Secondary School, Lwazi Goqo and Andiswa Mhlongo know how a daily peanut butter sandwich makes a difference to her long hours of study.